Study Trip to Pusat Sains Negara

PHARMA-2U is a programme that promotes Science field academically or practically amongst the primary and lower secondary school students. This programme was held on 21 and 28 May 2022 at Pusat Sains Negara and Faculty of Pharmacy, UiTM itself respectively. The programme was successful thanks to the collaboration made between 2 student representatives society of faculty pharmacy which are Sekretariat Mahasiswa Fakulti (SMF) and Society of Pharmacy Student (SOPHYS) along with Pusat Sains Negara.

The goal of this programme is to provide early exposure and foster interest in Science Subject for primary and secondary school students. Furthermore, primary and lower secondary school students are encouraged to join Science or Pure Science stream when they enter the upper secondary school level which are Form 4 and 5. Fun and creative activities had been carried out in order to reveal interesting methods in learning Science so that students can understand the content of the lesson more effectively.

The following activities are conducted during the programme:

List of Activities

Program Sulam Know Your Medicine Medifun

Science Care Program at iPROMISE, UiTM

Thank you to Pusat Sains Negara for collaborating with us to make the programme a success. We hope that there will be more activities like this in the future.


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